Lucy Vincent Beach, Martha’s Vineyard   


     My photography has provided a terrific voice for me over the years ! What I mean by that is, my personality alone is not one that would motivate others to seek me out after chance meetings. My photography, even from an early start in the ’80’s drew the attention of others far more talented and knowledgeable than I. Over the years that has allowed me to engage in meaningful friendships with notables in the photography world that simply wouldn’t have been possible if not for my photography and printing skills. So, with over 80 Stories Behind Every Photograph I hope to keep my photography and Stories Behind fresh and interesting to all who receive these emails. I’m choosing to share some artists and images I believe worthy, this early Christmas present to me is the first. I share this explanation so the next paragraph has some credibility.

     Over the years I have come to know, and they to me, some pretty accomplished photographers and patrons in the photo world where I live. I’ve been to the most prominent photography galleries here in the states. Annually, the finest photo galleries in the world bring work to New York City by the most famous photographers, alive or dead which they represent to share and sell to the public. So, when I say I’ve seen enough color imagery over the years to say, a good friend from Meriden, CT is among the finest color visual artists whose imagery I’ve seen in person. A photo here of Peter Wnek’s imagery from the Photo Arts Xchange gathering back in early November 2023.  Before reading the backstory of this month’s awesome image, check out Peter’s website to get a full appreciation of his talents. 

Below is Peter’s Story Behind his photograph:

   I remember the balmy May morning in 2018 while still dark with just a hint of predawn light walking onto Lucy Vincent Beach on Martha’s Vineyard. The high cirrus clouds showed promise of a beautiful sunrise sky.

   I had briefly scouted the beach for the very first time just about 12 hours previously, confirming that the beach held compositional possibilities for a good photo if the morning elements of light, atmosphere and composition came together for me.

   I was quickly drawn to the composition of the somewhat tetrahedral shaped rocks in formation. I set down the tripod and camera, considered the horizon and rock placement and rejoiced as the pastel hues of the sky and clouds began to emerge.

   At 5:21am the magic happened. F/10 @ 10 seconds was my choice of exposure to capture the silky movement of the water slipping past the rock formations. It’s always a grand feeling when you finish your photo session and have that knowing that you have a keeper of a photo.

   Fast forward a few years and I’m now displaying my work at an outdoor Art Fair and introducing this  photo composition that I had “discovered” on that May morning

   Within minutes someone walks into my photo booth, points to the photo and quickly identifies it as “From the beach at Martha’s Vineyard”! Thirty minutes later the same scenario plays out and someone else shouts “Hey! The rocks at Martha’s Vineyard!”

   So although I naively thought I “discovered” the rocks and never assumed others had, I have yet to see any image of the scene captured like this that has the elements of beauty and energy that this photo has for me. It remains to this day a unique and powerful image that rests on my wall to inspire and reward me with memories of that morning on the beach.

Peter Wnek

    Going forward, I’ll continue to share imagery and Back Stories in new and exciting ways to keep my own creative juices fresh and fluid. “Creatives”, people who create evolve in stages, I can easily look back and recall those phases in my own photography career, this shift is nothing more than a new stage and learning curve…Stay tuned, and have a Happy, Healthy and Creative 2024 !!